Things to think about
So the last cycle was unsuccessful. (And the meds made me have a brutal period, just an fyi.) So our plan of attack for this cycle is more aggressive. 10 pills on cycle day 3, followed by an u/s in 14 days, followed by (possibly) an estrogen pill, followed by a trigger shot.
I'm ok. I knew this could possibly happen and was prepared for it. I was more upset about the crappy period. Literally, all I did on day 1 was take some hot baths, a shower, lay in bed with a heating pad and read terrible fanfiction. And sleep. Andrew called me to tell me that "he still loved me." When I asked him why he wouldn't he said "I thought you were so mopey about not being pregnant, and I wanted you to know that I still love you, no matter what happens." I have a great husband :) (honestly, I was more upset about waking up to cramps at 630 am.)
My doctor was awesome & handled it perfectly. She wasn't "super sorry" or "all business." And I didn't need or want either of those reactions. It was more of a "that sucks, heres what we can do, how aggressive do you want to be?" We're not to the IUI, egg retrieval, IVF phase yet. We're just being a little more aggressive than we were. Honestly, I'm really grateful to have a Dr. Who knows exactly how this feels, and actually takes time out of her schedule to check on helps that we're friends too. :) (Which is awesome. I don't make friends easily, let alone ones that are geeks. Seriously, she's the only one who gets my makeup addiction.)
I don't want people to feel sorry for me, If I'm not feeling sorry for myself yet (And despite all appearances from my previous post, I'm not.) no one else should. I think I'm in an ok place right now.
Its not "super" public knowledge, only our immediate family, a few friends (ha! I typed "friends" & it autocorrected to "fruitcakes." You know who you are. ..) and everyone I work with knows. (One of the benefits of working in L&D.) And I'm pretty sure that our parents are afraid of asking us for any updates.
That was one of the reasons I started this (and I really wanted to talk about makeup.... I'm still trying to figure out a way to incorporate it.) I want to talk about it, and my outlets for it are limited at the moment.
This post is short, sorry. Not a whole lot to say about it at the moment. I'm just working on my Christmas shopping (one of my favorite things!) and getting ready for Thanksgiving :)
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