Geek love, 5 years later.

  So tonight at midnight....I will be in the middle of Thor: The Dark World, with my wonderful husband, bringing in our 5th year of marriage.

This was us 5 years ago:


The happiest day of my life, the start of life as I know it, and the start of our family. 

This is us now:

A little older, wiser, and more casual than wedding wear formal ;)

Seriously, everything major that has happened in my life has been with him beside me. I almost died (true story,) went to tech school, got a great job that I love, lost my mom, lost our *potential* baby, gained a niece, and are fighting our way through infertility.

We got married SO young (I was 23, and he was 24.) Neither of us had lived away from home before and we had no idea what we were doing (we still don't.) He had just graduated from the police academy, but was working security (due to tax cuts on 1st responders) and I was in a temp job (that I lost roughly 2-3 months later.) But we were together & happy. We still are. One of my greatest joys in life is that I get to start & end my days beside him. 

We've been very blessed. My parents had a great marriage (very realistic, my mom often  gave my dad the "bird" and they flirted a lot. Mostly to embarrass my sister & I, but still.) and I (and Andrew once we started dating) saw the kind of relationship we wanted. Andrew's parents divorced, due to his jerk of a father, so he knew what he didn't want to be. 

We've both experienced deep loss, my mom & his dad (one by choice, and one by nature.) We know that our time is short & could end at any point. I know it's always in the back of my head, the inevitable end. But it makes our time together so very, very precious. And we treat it that way. 

(This part gets really sappy. But it's an anniversary post, what did you expect?) We tell each other often (as in multiple times a week) how happy we are to be married to each other. How happy we are to be with one another, and how glad we are to spend time together. How much we enjoy waking up next to each other (even if someone steals the covers or takes up most of the bed.) And we mean it, every time. It's unprovoked, and random. They're moments & words that I treasure. We're quick to apologize when we're short with one another. (We are human & we do argue.) And Andrew is REALLy good at forgiving my hormonal outbursts ;)

So as I enter my 5th year of being a wife, I only feel joy and love. I'm not stressed, I'm grateful. I'm immensely grateful for this man, and for the time we've had to grow together. I'm hopeful & optimistic for our future together. 

(Also, I'm very excited about this movie. Midnight movies are kind of a tradition with us..and I love a good marvel movie. We do love to geek out together. It's important ;) )


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