geek, nerd, fangirl
I hesitated to write this post, because nothing new is going on. I have another appointment sometime tomorrow, but until then there are no updates or ideas on the baby making front.
So, in an effort to show that my life is not completely consumed by baby making thoughts, this blog is dedicated to my other passions (excluding my family.) And why they should probably be in your interests.
Doctor Who! Star Wars! Lord of the Rings! Harry Potter! Avengers!
Heres the deal...
I'm a geek. A nerd. A dork. A fangirl. I proudly claim all of those titles.
I was happy to write a 10 page paper on LotR (Lord of the Rings, keep up.) My favorite class in high school was reading, because I got to spend 1.5 hours a day reading whatever I wanted, uninterrupted. My idea of a great day is going to Chamblin's Bookmine with my husband, coming home and reading our books.
These were our engagement pictures... (please ignore the horrible shoes and the boobs-to-chin in the first one.)

Admit it, they're adorable.
I go to Star Wars conventions. And it's a financial goal this year for us to go to Comic Con in May in San Diego. It's going to happen. Seriously. Forget saving up for a baby- I wanna blow my cash at Comic Con! (I'm only being a little bit sarcastic.)
What do any of these fandoms have in common? One is about time travel, one is about a galactic civil war, one is about a group of short friends that take a trip ect. ect.
For me, they're all about adventures. (For my husband, they're about a bigger world. Everyone gets their own perspective.) They're about an underdog saving the world (whatever world or universe that happens to be.) They start off with a single, unimportant person who makes the difficult decisions & scarifices (like taking the ring, leaving their family & home ect.) and makes all the difference in the world.
I'm not sure if thats what drew me into the fandom life or not. I think everyone wants that to happen to them. They want to be the hero of their story. I do. Thats why I work in the medical field; I get to help people. I get to make a difference. I'm not defeating dark wizards or blowing up Death Stars, but I'm making life better or easier for someone. Because we dont have dark wizards & death stars in real life; we have demons that we fight daily- whether it's illness, financial burdens, a horrible job, an abusive partner, lonliness, self esteem ect. Thats what we fight in real life.
I've had someone tell me that they wish they could get as excited about something as I do about these things. It made me think of these quotes...
I love theses stories. I grew up with them. When I crack open a book or dvd case to reread or rewatch, not only am I transported to the fictional world, I'm transported to me memories associated with them. The midnight Star Wars & Harry Potter movies with my mom. The Lord of the Rings marathons with my friends in college.
My mom gave me my first Star Wars book. I couldn't get enough of the movies, so she dug around in her closet for Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire." (Which I got autographed at the last convention by the man himself!) She always encouraged me. My sister & I BEGGED her to let us go see Star Wars episode 1 at midnight. We told her "It's something we can tell your grandkids about." And that was what convinced her, on a school night, to take us at midnight. I was in 8th grade, and I had a spanish test the next day.
I took 5 years of spanish, and I can't remember it. I'll always remember going to the movie with my mom though. Priorities, people. Make memories, they could be all you have left one day.
So, in an effort to show that my life is not completely consumed by baby making thoughts, this blog is dedicated to my other passions (excluding my family.) And why they should probably be in your interests.
Doctor Who! Star Wars! Lord of the Rings! Harry Potter! Avengers!
Heres the deal...
I'm a geek. A nerd. A dork. A fangirl. I proudly claim all of those titles.
I was happy to write a 10 page paper on LotR (Lord of the Rings, keep up.) My favorite class in high school was reading, because I got to spend 1.5 hours a day reading whatever I wanted, uninterrupted. My idea of a great day is going to Chamblin's Bookmine with my husband, coming home and reading our books.
These were our engagement pictures... (please ignore the horrible shoes and the boobs-to-chin in the first one.)

Admit it, they're adorable.
I go to Star Wars conventions. And it's a financial goal this year for us to go to Comic Con in May in San Diego. It's going to happen. Seriously. Forget saving up for a baby- I wanna blow my cash at Comic Con! (I'm only being a little bit sarcastic.)
What do any of these fandoms have in common? One is about time travel, one is about a galactic civil war, one is about a group of short friends that take a trip ect. ect.
For me, they're all about adventures. (For my husband, they're about a bigger world. Everyone gets their own perspective.) They're about an underdog saving the world (whatever world or universe that happens to be.) They start off with a single, unimportant person who makes the difficult decisions & scarifices (like taking the ring, leaving their family & home ect.) and makes all the difference in the world.
I'm not sure if thats what drew me into the fandom life or not. I think everyone wants that to happen to them. They want to be the hero of their story. I do. Thats why I work in the medical field; I get to help people. I get to make a difference. I'm not defeating dark wizards or blowing up Death Stars, but I'm making life better or easier for someone. Because we dont have dark wizards & death stars in real life; we have demons that we fight daily- whether it's illness, financial burdens, a horrible job, an abusive partner, lonliness, self esteem ect. Thats what we fight in real life.
I've had someone tell me that they wish they could get as excited about something as I do about these things. It made me think of these quotes...
and this one (because I love me some Simon Pegg!)
And it's true! The terms "fangirling" and "geeking out" are very real. I've done it on muliple occasions, it usually involves squealing and flapping my hands, followed by rewatching whatever it was that instigated it. And then posting about it on fb/pinterest/twitter for the rest of the day.
It's so much fun!
Theres also a HUGE community in being a geek, or a nerd. Whatever fandom you choose, theres a website *couhg*supportgroup*cough* for it. Theres fanfiction to help feed it, theres specific conventions, there are tumbler, twitter, and pinterest dedicated to it that OTHER fans are posting to. It's a way to connect with other people that like the same thing, probably for similar reasons. Also, there are a lot of geeky celebrities. And each fandom has their own- actual celebrities, bloggers, writers, directors ect. And in most cases, they have an online presence & enjoy interacting with fans. I have had many friendships start because of my fandom (including my marriage.)
I love theses stories. I grew up with them. When I crack open a book or dvd case to reread or rewatch, not only am I transported to the fictional world, I'm transported to me memories associated with them. The midnight Star Wars & Harry Potter movies with my mom. The Lord of the Rings marathons with my friends in college.
My mom gave me my first Star Wars book. I couldn't get enough of the movies, so she dug around in her closet for Timothy Zahn's "Heir to the Empire." (Which I got autographed at the last convention by the man himself!) She always encouraged me. My sister & I BEGGED her to let us go see Star Wars episode 1 at midnight. We told her "It's something we can tell your grandkids about." And that was what convinced her, on a school night, to take us at midnight. I was in 8th grade, and I had a spanish test the next day.
I took 5 years of spanish, and I can't remember it. I'll always remember going to the movie with my mom though. Priorities, people. Make memories, they could be all you have left one day.
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